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Do you know someone who is 16-19 and recently had their braces taken off?
Share your story about having braces in this new research project:
Patients can help researchers and practitioners improve care pathways and treatment outcomes by sharing their experiences and insights.
Ciara Scott is a current PhD student at RCSI and a Specialist Orthodontist.
She is conducting a research study exploring Irish adolescent orthodontic patients’ views on their orthodontic care pathway and how young people think we can enhance this. What we learn from young people in this process will inform the development of resources to support adolescents in the future on their orthodontic care pathway.
If you are aged 16-19 and have recently had your braces taken off, your experience is valuable and you can volunteer to take part! Taking part involves a short interview.
Find out more by scanning the QR code or
Alternatively you can contact Ciara at
Participants should be:
16-19 at interview
Worn fixed braces and had them removed less than 6 months ago
Had treatment in Ireland
Willing to participate in a short interview (and have parental consent if they are U18)
This study has been reviewed and received formal ethical approval from the University Research Ethics Committee. The project is funded by the Health Research Board, through the SPHeRE Programme for Population Health and Health Services Research.
PhD Scholar. SPHeRE Programme
Centre for Positive Health Sciences
111 St Stephens Green Dublin 2 Ireland