Multidisciplinary Orthodontics
Friday 31st March – Saturday 1st April 2023
The Brehon Hotel, Muckross Road, Killarney, Co. Kerry, V93 RT22.

Dirk Bister qualified in medicine and dentistry at the Heinrich – Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany and he received his doctorates form the same institution. He trained on the combined MSc / MOrth programme in Orthodontics at Guy's and St Thomas', United Medical and Dental Schools, obtaining his specialist qualification in 1999. This was followed by senior registrar training and he was appointed consultant in 2003. Dirk was clinical lead in orthodontics at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust form 2015 until 2022 and is Professor of Clinical Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, the biggest Dental School in the UK. The orthodontic department and its associated training programmes are one of the largest in Europe. Dirk holds an MA in higher education and is fellow of the Higher Education Academy of the RCSEd; he has published widely in the field of Orthodontics and has lectured nationally and internationally. This includes implant-supported orthodontics, which he has used for over 20 years. Dirk has run Temporary anchorage courses for many years, including the annual training for the orthodontic trainees at King’s College London.

Grant McIntyre is a Consultant / Honorary Professor in Orthodontics at Dundee Dental Hospital and Research School, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Honorary Treasurer for the British Orthodontic Society. Grant’s clinical interest is orthodontic care for patients with cleft lip and palate and dentofacial deformity. Grant has been involved in postgraduate teaching throughout his Consultant career and as Chair of the SAC for Orthodontics, led the recent UK specialty training curriculum review. Grant is an active researcher and supervision of multiple masters and doctorate students over the years has made a large contribution to over 120 papers with research collaborations involving Cork, Dublin, UK, China, South Africa and Australia. Grant and his wife, Amanda published a book about their family’s COVID journey in 2022: “Dying to Live” which is now on its 3rd print run.

Toby Gillgrass BDS, FDS (RCSEd), MDO(RCPSG) MSc (Gla) FDSOrth (RCSEd) PGDip.Clin.Ed. (RCPSG) FDTF (RCSEd). He is a consultant orthodontist, based in Glasgow and has been lecturing on orthodontic indices for over 20 years. He is employed in Glasgow and is the Clinical lead for the Cleft Surgical Service for Scotland for NHS Scotland. He is a former member of Dental Council and formerly the Chair of the Specialist Advisory Board for Orthodontics for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is the lead for oversees orthodontic exams for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and is a member of the Specialist Advisory Committee for orthodontics for the General Dental Council.

Julian O’Neill BDS MSc FFD FDS MOrth was a Consultant Orthodontist at Kettering General Hospital in Northamptonshire, UK, and ran his own private practice. He is originally from Northern Ireland. He studied dentistry at Queens University before undergoing his postgraduate orthodontic training at the Eastman Dental Institute and then as an FTTA at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He was Patron of the British Orthodontic Society in 2019 and is a Past President of the Federation of European Orthodontists, FEO. He was also President of the European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations, EFOSA; from 2014 - 2021. Julian is an active member of The Angle Society of Europe. In 2006 he became a member of the European Board of Orthodontics, by examination. He was involved in training Postgraduates in association with the Eastman Dental Institute for many years. Julian has been part of the clinical team involved in the Manchester randomised trials group as well as organising research in his own department. His research interests include digit sucking and the accuracy of intraoral digital scanning. He has authored over 30 publications and has been an ISFE and M Orth examiner. He enjoys most activities involving fresh air and exercise, but especially cycling, tennis and cross-country skiing. He regularly disappoints himself by playing golf. He is currently married to his first wife and has three offspring.

Aman Ulhaq graduated from University College Cork, Ireland in 2004 with BDS Honours. He gained an MSc in Orthodontics at King’s College London and Membership in Orthodontics (The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh) in 2014. His post-CCST Orthodontic Training, at the Edinburgh Dental Institute, was completed in 2016. Aman is a Consultant/Honorary Senior Lecturer in orthodontics, and the Lead Clinician for orthodontics in the Edinburgh Dental Institute, providing complex multi-disciplinary orthodontic treatment. He also works in private practice.

3M DD Group & BF Mulholland's
DB Orthodontics Angel Aligners
Registration is now open!
The OSI welcomes Specialist Orthodontists and Post-Graduate Orthodontic Students
We are a participating Society of the FEO Same Rate Agreement
Course Fee Non Members €450 (€400 early bird)
Reduced rate for OSI Members and BOS Members €350 (€300 early bird)
Postgraduate Orthodontic Students €150 (€100 early bird)
BBQ Friday 31st March €40 pp
Early Bird Rate ends 17th March 2023